So there you are, scrolling through Instagram, and everyone seems to have their life together. The perfect feed, the perfect body, the perfect caption and even the perfect life. Meanwhile, you’re sitting there wondering why you feel like the odd one out. You better Relax, God didn’t call you just so you can blend in; He called you to stand out.
That Your quirks, Yes- your “weirdness,” your different vibe? That’s your God-given sauce, and it’s hight time you start to embrace it.
Let’s start with Psalm 139:14: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” God didn’t create you to be a copy-and-paste of anyone else. It’s not a mass production.
You’re an original, handcrafted masterpiece. You are a custom order!
So why are you out here comparing yourself to someone else’s highlight reel? For all you know it might even be a fake life.
Even Bible characters were different; Think about it—David was a shepherd boy before he became a king.
Esther was an orphan before she became queen.
Peter? That guy had a temper, but Jesus still called him the rock.
God has a track record of using unique people for His purpose. And guess the latest batch of unique people – yes! You and me!
Comparison is a scam:
Comparing yourself to others is like arguing about which is better—jollof or fried rice. They both slap; they both have their time. Focus on your own flavor and trust God’s timing.
Use your uniqueness for God’s glory: See- Whether you’re the loud one, the quiet one, the creative one, or the analytical one, God has a plan for you. Your personality is perfectly designed for the purpose He’s called you to. And even though you don’t know it yet. He knows it and he’s prepping you for that.
Here’s your assignment for the week: Write down three things that make you different and thank God for them.
Then think about how you can use those traits to bless others. And if anyone ever tries to make you feel like you’re too much, remind them that you serve an extra God.
After all, He didn’t stop at creating the stars; He went ahead and created you. – Brighter than the stars.